Thursday, February 28, 2008

Apologetics In The Service Of God

From Brian, blogging from UK, shared a good article that reminds us of the need for an apologetic that is sensitive to non-rational factors (e.g. psychological, sociological and hamartiological [i.e sin]):

"In my experience, I find that this is true, non-Christians enjoy being part of a loving Christian community, but they also do want to know how Christianity answers the big questions and the claims it makes on our lives. "Defeater beliefs" need to be dismantled: the belief that Christians are arrogant can be dismantled both by seeing Christians love their neighbour and serving each other in humility, as well as a more cognitive understanding that the gospel Christians believe is actually one that sees

- everyone, including themselves, as sinners, i.e not just failing to love God but actively hating him

- giving Christians no basis on which to peddle their superiority over others, but a basis which recognises their profound need of the mercy of God

- and therefore humbly accepting the grace and forgiveness Jesus offers as a gift through his death in my place, finding significance in him rather than in feeling superior over others

- And also the basis for why Christians want to share their faith with others, not because they want to impose their beliefs on others or because their religion is better, but because it is good news!"


Jeff said...

VERY good points you made!:

"giving Christians no basis on which to peddle their superiority over others, but a basis which recognizes their profound need of the mercy of God"

Here in the U.S., Christians sometimes are seen as hatemongers (which is not true) and homophobics (which is not true either), because of their stance against homosexuality. But all of us are sinners, not just homosexuals; so we all deserve Hell. We all far short of God's holiness. And all of us are equally in need of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

"And also the basis for why Christians want to share their faith with others, not because they want to impose their beliefs on others or because their religion is better, but because it is good news!"

Well said. It's not a competition where "mine is better than yours," but its a situation where all of us will stand before God one day, and if we have ever lied, cheated, stolen, lusted, cursed, used God's Name in vain, hated, committed adultery, etc., then we will go to Hell....UNLESS we have surrendered our lives to Christ Jesus and have allowed Him to pay for our sins.

Dave said...

Thanks for ur input, Jeff :)