我经常被一些肤浅的解说困扰了我的思想; 尤其是针对同性恋这种触摸到人内心深处复杂情感的课题. 然而, 身为基督徒, 我们不应廻避神学及圣经对这课题的释义;因为,我们是本着圣经为我们安身立命的终身原则.

(当今, 同性恋的风气已经侵入大马,近期更有一位知名的基督徒作家当众宣告他是一位同性恋者. 这位同性恋基督徒也向公众表明了他的展望 - 也就是在他完成他现今在美国的社会与神学博士学位后,将会回来大马组织及开办同性恋者的教会.)
那么, 到底圣经在同性恋这课题是有着怎样的教导及解说呢? 我认为教会在这方面, 则应该以更谦卑的心态来了解圣经所提供的资料。别忘了不久以前,就有一些教会以主观的解圣来支持种族主义和奴隶的观念。
Richard B. Hays说过:
“圣经很少深入地讨论到关于同性恋的课题.反观贫富不均这课题, 圣经倒是有很多的解说及教导.”
但是,无论如何,圣经里对于同性恋这回事, 仍是有着明确的立场表明。特别是通过罗马书1:26–27的经文表达,是再清楚不过的。
首先,圣徒保罗在这段经文中, 是指着同性的性<行为>; 而不是指着那些有着同性恋倾向的人,被保罗责备的是男同性恋及女同性恋的性<行为>. 反观歌林多前书,圣徒保罗则是在指责那些身带一些罪恶的罪<人>。在罗马书1:26–27的经文里, 保罗是指着所有的罪人而说的 - 所有的罪人都陷入了背叛他们创造主的罪恶当中。
保罗的立场是很明确. 他说世人都犯了罪,亏欠了上帝的荣耀. 更甚者, 在这段经文中, 保罗把<同性性交行为>举例为人类堕落最典型的罪恶。
再者, HAYS先生也说:
“在这里保罗把同性性交行为作为最典型的范例 - 人类的堕落已把上帝创造的定律大大的给破坏了。上帝创造男人、女人是为了让他们生养众多。当人类以自己的意思来‘更换’ 上帝所指定的角色,而进行同性性交的行为,他们已经以自己的行为,潜意识自主地代替了上帝。”
保罗在这里使用同性恋行为作为典范的例子来形容堕落的人类,是因为我们很清楚的知道, 我们人类是被上帝创造为男和女各别异性的. 使徒保罗在这段经文中描述的很清楚,同性恋不是上帝所意识及认同的.
“于是,神照着自己的形象创造人;就是照着他的形象创造了人;他所创造的有男有女。”(创 1:27)
所有背弃男与女性行为的定律,都是一种对上帝- 我们的创造主的污辱。
我最喜欢的一位属灵作者 - HenriNouwen,在他后期的作品中讲述了他许多的孤单和创伤。

我们众人因罪本也不完美. 当活在这堕落的世上,是极为痛苦的。所以身为耶稣基督跟从者的我们, 有着一个盼望, 就是那即将来临完美的天地和那完全的医治。
这个等待及跟随当然对我们来说是很艰难的事情,尤其是对于某些人来说是更为困难的。更因如此, 我们是很须要神的恩典!
(当今有些同性恋信徒极力要开办及创立一个可以包容他们的教会,这是否乃是传统教会无法给予那些挣扎要信靠及跟随耶稣的同性恋倾向者爱和包容? 若真是如此,相信神必向我们责问.)
我们应自我反省, 如果我们是真诚的想为上帝的传扬福音工作而奋斗,那么我们应该服侍所有等候上帝的灵魂, 更不可忽略同性恋者!
我猜想有很多的人, 对同性恋这课题比其他课题有着更大的兴趣.但HAYS先生提醒我们,上帝对经济不平衡的课题还有加多的教导及指示.
我们不能做的, 是加添圣经里面所没有提及的事情。罗马书1:24-27经常提醒我,圣经极其反对同性恋的性行为。
Soo-Inn Tan
Great translation! I will forward it to my classmates. Who did it?
thanks to chin wui, Bee Theng and the Chinese Cell group in CDPC for their hard work and initiative! Look forward to more collaboration in future :)
Question: "What was the relationship between David and Jonathan?"
Answer: We know from 1 Samuel 18:1 that Jonathan loved David. Second Samuel 1:26 also records David’s lament after Jonathan’s death, where he said that his love for Jonathan was more wonderful than the love of a woman. Some use these two passages to suggest a homosexual relationship between David and Jonathan. This interpretation, however, should be rejected for at least three reasons.
First, the Hebrew word for “love” used here is not the typical word used for sexual activity. This word for “love” has clear political and diplomatic connotations (see 1 Samuel 16:21 and 1 Kings 5:1). Second, David’s comparison of his relationship with Jonathan with that of women is probably a reference to his experience with King Saul’s daughter. He was promised one of Saul’s daughters for killing Goliath. But Saul continued to add conditions upon this marriage with the underlying desire to have David killed in battle (1 Samuel 18:17, 25). The love David had received from Jonathan was greater than anything he could have received from Saul’s daughter. Third, the Bible clearly and consistently denounces homosexuality (Genesis 1:26-27; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:18-25). Extolling a homosexual love between David and Jonathan would be contradicting the prohibitions of it found throughout the Bible.
The friendship between David and Jonathan was a covenantal relationship. In 1 Samuel 18:1-5, we read of David and Jonathan forming an agreement. In this agreement, Jonathan was to be second in command in David’s future reign, and David was to protect Jonathan’s family (1 Samuel 20:16-17, 42; 23:16-18).
Obviously, these two men were also very good friends. In their relationship we can see at least three qualities of true friendship. First, they sacrificed for one another. In 1 Samuel 18:4, we read that Jonathan gave David his clothes and military garb. The significance of this gift symbolized that Jonathan recognized that David would one day be king of Israel. Rather than being envious or jealous, Jonathan submitted to God’s will and sacrificed his own right to the throne. Second, in 1 Samuel 19:1-3, we read of Jonathan’s loyalty toward and defense of David. King Saul told his followers to kill David. Jonathan rebuked his father and recalled David’s faithfulness to him in killing Goliath. Finally, Jonathan and David were also free to express their emotions with one another. In 1 Samuel 20, we read of a plan concocted by Jonathan to reveal his father’s plans toward David. Jonathan was going to practice his archery. If he told his servant that the arrows he shot were to the side of the target, David was safe. If Jonathan told his servant that the arrows were beyond the target, David was to leave and not return. Jonathan told the servant that the arrows were beyond the target, meaning that David should flee. After releasing his servant, Jonathan found David and the two men cried together.
Rather than being evidence for a homosexual relationship in the Bible, the account of David and Jonathan is an example of true biblical friendship. True friendship, according to the Bible, involves loyalty, sacrifice, compromise, and yes, emotional attachment. That is what we should learn from David and Jonathan. The idea that the only person in the Bible described as “a man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:22), was a practicing homosexual (or bisexual), is ridiculous, and has no true biblical basis.
Recommended Resources: David - A Man of Passion and Destiny by Charles Swindoll.
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