Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Why the Hulk should be Red not Green

The fictional comic book character, The Incredible Hulk was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1962. The Hulk is the alter ego of mild mannered physicist Dr Bruce Banner who was accidentally irradiated by gamma radiation. Whenever he gets angry, he turned into the Hulk, a creature consisting of pure rage which is invincible and incredibly strong. The angrier the Hulk gets, the stronger and bigger he becomes. I guess he was green because of the gamma radiation. Why green and not red? The English expression of becoming angry is “seeing red.” A red Hulk will be more appropriate.

Many of us are aware of the beast within us. And of the thin veneer of civility that makes us respectable citizens. Occasionally someone will snap and the beast breaks out. Then we are all horrified at the violence done to persons and properties. Sometimes it is not a person but a mob or a nation. And in the aftermath amidst the carnage, we are again reminded of the evil that lurks the heart of human beings. In our hectic, chaotic and stressful lifestyles, anger is our constant emotional companion. While some of us are aware of it, others are not. Many try to repress their daily anger. Doing so they become impatient, irritable and aggressive. Repressing anger does not make it go away. Like energy, emotions can be converted into other forms. Repressed energy is converted into hatred, bitterness and anxiety.

“Please don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry" is a famous byline from the Hulk television series which turned up in every comic, television and movies involving the not-so jolly green man. What makes you angry? Could it be social injustice, exploitation of the poor, religious intolerance, and maybe, abuse of political privileges? My reasons for getting angry are often not so righteous. I get angry because I do not get things my own way; why people do not behave the way I expect them to, why projects do not go the way I planned it to, and why the universe do not happen the way I want it to. I get angry and then I feel guilty. I remember what Paul wrote to the Ephesians: "In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold (Eph.4:26-27). Paul was referring to Psalm 4:4: In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent. Furthermore, I remember this old Cherokee story named “The Two Wolves”:
An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you - and inside every other person, too."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed.”

I reflected upon this and drew some wisdom. The psalmist, Apostle Paul and the old Cherokee did not deny the existence of anger or being angry. In fact, they all acknowledge it. Furthermore, they taught me the only way to deal with anger is not to feed it. The only way to deal with anger is to starve it of attention and other emotions. The Hulk is pure rage, violent raw energy and red is the appropriate colour. Green reminds me of leafy meadows, peacefulness and calm. Methinks the Hulk should be red in colour. Or even better blue…

picture source

Friday, June 20, 2008

CWM: Youth Leaders Assembly 2008

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

I am attaching both the programs for the Council for World Mission East Asia Region's Inaugural Youth Leaders Regional Assembly and the I LOVE MALAYSIA Programs which will be running consecutively from August 11 to 28, 2008, for your perusal. The theme for the conference is "The Role of the Christian Youth in Nation Building".

Gereja Presbyterian Malaysia (GPM) is the main organiser for these two events and will play hosts to youth leaders from various member churches in East Asia, i.e. from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Singapore, South Korea as well as representatives from Africa, Europe and Caribbean.

On behalf of the organisers, I would like to extend an invitation to yourselves and fellow ecumenical youth leaders to participate in these 2 programs. Participants for the extended I LOVE MALAYSIA will get to experience a short term mission exposure during their stay with another Malaysian church, serving in various ministries such as mission, e.g. Orang Asli children, sunday school or migrants, or youth work, and also get to enjoy an enriching cross cultural experience from their time of fellowship and sharing with regional youth leaders on matters relating to regional affairs and development of national youth policies.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for further clarification.

Blessings, In Him,
Chrisanne Chin -

Organising Coordinator
CWM EAR Youth Committee

The great lesson of our time is that no regime can survive if it acts above the heads of the ordinary citizens of the country - Nelson Mandela

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

CREST in Myanmar


Shalom. Thanksgiving that our rescue team returned safely. Working in Myanmar now is likened to being caught in quicksand... the more you move, the more you sink. Work is a great challenge. Electricity is irregular and frequently interrupted. Water is a critical problem - the cyclone water has stagnated into black mud. Floating rotting corpses infested with maggots has polluted the water system.

On the positive side, another small team left yesterday morning with a cargo of medicine and dried food. The best approach at this moment is through our couriers who bring money in and distribute to our partners to start the feeding. A total of 480 families have already received basic provisions. A family pack consists of 2 kg rice, 1 kg dhall, 1 kg onion, 1 kg oil, 1/2 kg salt. It costs USD11 per pack.

All essential goods have increased exorbitantly. Cash is still best to buy essentials.

Enclosed some pictures of aid given out.

Constrained by His Love

Crisis Relief Services & Training Berhad
27 Jalan SS2/104
47300 Petaling Jaya
Selangor, Malaysia
Tel: 03-77257299, 03-77256297
Fax: 03-77257298

** Please bank in your contribution to MBB Account No. 5141-9611-8174 and fax your bank slip to 03-77257298 stating the purpose, amount, your name and postal address for us to acknowledge receipt **

Monday, June 16, 2008

Special Tribute Service In Honor of David Boler

Date: 29 June 2008 (Sunday)
Time: 8.00pm
Venue: Petaling Jaya Gospel Hall, Jln Gasing

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints"
Psalm 116:15

From NECF in 2002: "For many years, the highly-regarded 83-year-old patriarch of the Malaysian Evangelical community has been relentlessly calling Evangelicals to “forget our differences and emphasise what we have in common.”

He said unity in the Church was critical to establish “the credibility and uniqueness
of Jesus as the One sent from and by God ‘to be the Saviour of the world’ and ‘as an
atoning sacrifice for our sins.’” Unity is, therefore, the evidence that “He (God) loved us” (1 John 4:9-14).

Mr Boler urged Christians to make every effort to preserve the unity – which we already have in the Spirit – by being humble, gentle, patient and gracious with
one another according to Ephesians 4:1–16. Our effort on unity is also evidence that
we are committed to renewal in the Church.

He concluded his message with his oft-given counsel: “The important working
principle to follow is that Christians emphasise and act on what they have in
common, never on distinctives that may divide. Only then can the Malaysian Church
establish a credible witness among the multi-religious people of Malaysia.”

The Salvation of God

Bible Conference

Ø Spiritual Formation Institute, Holy Light Church (English), Johor Bahru
Ø RBC Ministries

Theme: The Salvation of God

Speaker: Rev. Paul Baxendale

Date: Saturday, 12 July 2008
Time: 2.00pm – 4.30pm
Place: Holy Light Church, 11 Jalan Gertak Merah, 80000 Johor Bahru

Registration is free

Conference Programme

1:45-2:00 pm Registration
2:00-2:20 pm Singspiration
2:20-2:30 pm Welcome
2:30-3:15 pm Session 1:
Samson: The Sovereignty of God’s Salvation (Judges 13-16)
3:15-3:45 pm Break
3:45-4:30 pm Session 2:
Crying Out for a King: The Search for God’s Salvation (Judges 17-18)
4:30 pm Closing remarks and prayer

All are welcome

For further information contact 07-3355919 or email

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Now That's A Good Question!

It's always fun to do Question & Answer forums. Also scary as I'm not quick on my feet. Community Baptist Church Sunway kindly invited me again to address the youth group on a low key Friday night (30 May 08) along with two other panelists Elder Beng Tiong and MBS valedictorian Ps Alexa. (nice to catch up with Gary and of course, baby Micah!)

The thing about such forums though is that only soundbytes get through. Try answering the problem of evil or the meaning of life less than 2 minutes. There's so much you wanna say but due to time limit, you could only cover the bare essentials. And there's also the audience of some late secondary schoolers and college students, how do you keep em awake? I didn't get to say half of these prepared notes, so for what it's worth, I decided to share the 'contoh jawapan' here.

Here are some questions that get thrown out, and if you find other ways to answer them, do leave me a comment ok?

Questions That Youths Ask (Part 1)

Questions That Youths Ask (Part 2)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

WATCHMAN NEE: "Pahlawan Iman yang Tegar di Tegah Badai"

Watchman Nee tidak pernah belajar di sekolah teologi. Wawasan iman dan teologinya ia peroleh dengan membaca bacaan-bacaan rohani yang ia dapat dari Margaret Barber, seorang misionaris Anglican. Buku-buku rohani yang ia baca, antara lain Pilgrim's Progress karya John Bunyan, Biografi Hudson Taylor dan Madame Guyon, The Spirit of Christ karya Andrew Murray, Autobiografi George Muller, Church History karya John Foxe, dan sebagainya. Ia benar-benar seseorang yang tekun menggali firman Tuhan.

Pada masa-masa awal pelayanannya, ia membagi uang yang ia dapat menjadi 1/3 untuk kebutuhan pribadinya, 1/3 untuk membantu sesamanya, dan sisanya untuk membeli buku-buku rohani. Ia memeroleh lebih dari tiga ribu buku Kristen yang bermutu, termasuk karya-karya tulis orang-orang Kristen pada abad pertama.

Persekutuannya dengan Barber mengilhaminya untuk tetap setia dengan radikal terhadap salib dan mengobarkan semangatnya terhadap firman Tuhan. Setelah itu, persahabatannya dengan Miss Barber dan biografi Hudson Taylor yang ia baca, memengaruhi hubungannya dengan uang. Ia mengetahui komitmen Taylor yang hanya menceritakan kebutuhan finansialnya kepada Tuhan saja. Ia juga melihat Barber hidup dengan prinsip tersebut. Ia amat terkesan dengan cara-cara yang Tuhan lakukan untuk mencukupkan kebutuhan finansial Barber. Hal ini membuatnya semakin bertekad untuk menyerahkan segala kebutuhan hidupnya kepada Tuhan.

Setelah bertobat, ia mulai terbeban untuk memberitakan Injil kepada teman-teman di sekolahnya. Ia menulis nama tujuh puluh temannya dan secara teratur mendoakan mereka satu persatu setiap hari. Dalam beberapa bulan, hanya satu dari antara mereka yang tidak mengalami kelahiran baru! Mereka mulai mengadakan persekutuan doa di kapel Trinity dan persekutuan ini terus berkembang hingga meluber sampai ke jalanan di Foochow. Mereka juga kerap membagikan brosur yang berisi berita mengenai jalan keselamatan kepada orang-orang yang mereka temui di jalan. Setelah Pemberontakan Boxer, timbul gerakan anti Kristen (kebencian bersifat politik yang berkembang di Cina terhadap segala hal yang berbau Barat). Banyak pemimpin gereja yang mendapat tekanan dari pemerintah Cina agar berkompromi dalam beberapa hal.

Terus bacaan di sini

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Prince Caspian

LeaderU compiled some resources on CS Lewis and The Chronicles of Narnia (with Prince Caspian hitting the big screen)

From Dr Bruce Edwards: "The dramatic climax of this story is not, however, the suspicious victory over King Miraz in battle, but the discovery of the now King Caspian’s true lineage, that he, too, is a Son of Adam, else he could not be qualified to reign in Narnia. In one poignant moment that epitomizes the humility required of true leaders, Aslan asks the triumphant Caspian if he were now ready to become king; “I—I don’t think so, Sir. . . I am only a Kid.” To his surprise, Aslan replies, “If you had felt yourself sufficient, it would have been a proof that you were not.” Caspian needed to know the limitations of his own powers, and when he needed to rely on others—and especially Aslan—to win the day.

Nikabrik: The Dwarf Who Would Be Lost

As is the case with LWW, there is yet a betrayer in Narnia, for found in Prince Caspian is a parallel story to King Caspian’s glorious victory is the tragic story of Nikabrik, the stubbornly faithless dwarf. Of all the sad stories of bewitched and bewildered creatures in Narnia who become captive of evil, none is more mournful than the tale of Nikabrik.

This wayward dwarf, incapable of overcoming his profound distrust of the “old stories,” epitomizes a less cunning but equally desvasting aspect of evil’s lure akin to that of the White Witch. Nikabrik—like the band of self-seeking dwarves who fall by the wayside in The Last Battle—is world weary and full of skepticism. When asked if he believes in Aslan, he shrugs that he will believe in “anyone or anything” who will throw off the yoke of oppression under King Miraz; he is not discriminating: “Anyone or anything, Aslan or the White Witch, do you understand?”

Though rebuked by the more pious and respectful badger, Trufflehunter, Nikabrik still harbors his doubts and nurtures his cynicism. As events progress, the impatient and unschooled Nikabrik, rejecting out of hand the promise of help from ancient prophecies or the mobilization of Caspian’s friends, instead puts his trust in his companions, a hag and a werewolf, and plans to call upon the dark magic of the long dead White Witch:

“All said and done,” he muttered, “none of us knows truth about the ancient days of Narnia. . . . Aslan and the Kings go together. Either Aslan is dead, or he is not on our side. Or else something stronger than himself keeps him back. And if he did come—how do we know he’d be our friend? . . . . Any anyway, he was in Narnia only once that I ever heard of, and he didn’t stay long. You may drop Aslan out of the reckoning. I was thinking of someone else.

This is the voice of despair and alienation masquerading as the voice of reason. So distant is he from Narnia’s traditions, its history, its promise—and its relationship to its Creator and King, Aslan—Nikabrik can seriously contemplate “a power so much greater than Aslan’s,” which he defines as holding “Narnia spellbound for years and years, if the stories are true.” Falsehood has become truth, black has become white, destruction has become destiny.

This is Lewis’s cautionary tale to any civilization drunk on the wine of its own self-importance and ability to survive or thrive without historical perspective and relationship to God. This is “chronological snobbery” gone wild, a disposition not only to disbelieve the old stories, but to substitute an opposite meaning for the original.

In the end, Nikabrik confesses, “Yes,” said Nikabrik, “I mean the Witch…We want power: and we want a power that will be on our side. As for power, do not the stories say that the Witch defeated Aslan, and bound him, and killed on that very stone which is over there, just beyond the light?” When the Trufflehunter and others eloquently counter his virulent, militant unbelief, Nikabrik bellows:

“Yes they say . . . but you’ll notice that we hear precious little about anything he did afterwards. He just fades out of the story. How do you explain that, if he really came to life? Isn’t it much more likely that he didn’t, and that the stories say nothing more about him because there was nothing more to say? . . . . They say [the White Witch] ruled for a hundred years: a hundred years of winter. There’s power, if you like. There’s something practical. . . .Who ever heard of a witch that really died? You can always get them back.”

A witch who never dies, whose “practical” power to sustain winter a hundred years is more impressive than the return of the rightful king, the rallying of treasonous ne’er-do-wells to necromancy to revive her —these are the perverse foundation of the new society Nikabrik envisions for himself and fellow dwarves and outcasts. This is how bleak and self-destructive their own imaginations have become. But it cannot prevail so as long as there are those who love and trust the truth."

Passion: Kuala Lumpur

Vision: PASSION KUALA LUMPUR is a gathering for UNIVERSITY-AGED young people throughout Malaysia and South-east Asia. Believing in the university moment, and what God longs to do in this strategic window of time, the entire event will focus on the bigness of God, calling students to PRAYER, WORSHIP and ACTION, and a Story so much bigger than their own.

The heartbeat of PASSION KUALA LUMPUR is to:

Foster UNITY among those who love JESUS
Spark VISION for the UNIVERSITIES of Kuala Lumpur and the nation
Tell the STORY of REDEMPTION in compelling ways
INSPIRE students to EMBRACE their part in God's global plan for the NATIONS

Why the World?

Finding in Christ all we need, and spending our lives to make Him famous in this generation... that's what The Passion Movement is all about and what has attracted hundreds of thousands of university aged young people to Passion gatherings over the past eleven years. Passion is more than an event. Passion is a movement made up of young people who have abandoned the idea of living simply for themselves and are daily giving everything so the world can see Jesus more clearly. Passion is about the glory of God, inspiring a wave of students to taste and see that He is good and to do something now to change the world in Jesus' name.We've discovered that every major city in the world is a university town, most home to hundreds of thousands, and in some cases millions of students. So, Passion is off on a crazy journey to the cities of the world in 2008, uniting university students around the globe in a story so much bigger than our own. Click on the city nearest you and join the movement for His renown!"Yes Lord, walking in the way of Your truth we wait eagerly for You, for Your name and renown are the desire of our souls." Isaiah 26:8

268 Declaration:

"Yes, Lord, walking in the way of Your Truth,
we wait eagerly for You,
for Your name and Your renown
are the desire of our souls."
Isaiah 26:8

I desire that my life be a part of a generation that lives
for the glory of Your name. (Psalm 86:11-12)

My desire is reflected by the following statements and prayers:
Because I was created by God and for His glory, I will magnify Him as I respond to His great love. My desire is to make knowing and enjoying God the passionate pursuit of my life.
[God, give me a desire for You like the desire that You have for me.]
Colossians 1:16-18, John 17:3, Revelation 3:20, Philippians 3:7-10, Jeremiah 9:23-24, Psalm 73:25-28, Psalm 16:11, Isaiah 43:7

Because Christ established the Church for God's glory, I desire to magnify God as I use the gifts He has given me to serve and build up the local church. I will pray for continued renewal in my church through the work and power of the Holy Spirit.
[God, renew in me a love for Your Church, the Body of Christ.]
Ephesians 3:20,21, 4:1-13, 5:25-27, Hebrews 10:23-25, Acts 2:41-47

Because God is glorified greatly when believers love each other, I desire to magnify Him as I humbly yield to and pray towards unity among all Christians on my campus. [God, give me a desire to lift up Your name above all other names.]
John 17:20-26, John 13:34-35, 1 Corinthians 3, Psalm 133:1, Colossians 3:12-17

Because many on my campus are hopelessly separated from God, I desire to magnify Him by sharing the life and love of Jesus where I live. As I share, I will earnestly pray for revival on my campus and in my world.
[God, break my heart for those with whom I live.]
Romans 10:11-15, Isaiah 6:1-8, 62:6-7, Matthew 5:13-16, 1 Peter 2:9-12, Philippians 2:12-16, 1 John 5:14-15

Because God is seeking worshipers of all peoples, I desire to magnify Him among the nations. I actively commit my life and energy to participation in His global purposes in my generation.
[God, kindle in me the desire to go anywhere, at anytime, at any cost, to do anything to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.]
Psalm 86:9, 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, Isaiah 49:6, Revelation 5:9-14, Matthew 28:18-20, Psalm 67, Acts 1:8

Attend: This gathering is for University students, people aged 18-25, and their ministry leaders.

The cost is 20 RM ($6.50 USD).
6:00PM-10:00PM Main Session
Location: Sunway Convention Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Who: Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, Charlie Hall

Volunteer: In order to make these events happen, we will need volunteers who are willing to serve throughout the whole conference in various jobs. We are requiring that all volunteers be 25 years of age or older. Anyone under the age of 25 CANNOT volunteer. The reason for this is that we want students to be able to fully connect with all of the experiences at the conference. Volunteers do not pay to attend and are typically working hard behind the scenes during every part of the day serving the students attending the conference. Accordingly, we require that all volunteers be 25 years of age or older.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Conflict Resolution & Peace-Making Ministry Seminar

Date: Saturday 5 Jul 2008
Time: 10am - 3pm
Venue: CDPC
Speakers: Ken Sande & Karl Dortzbach
Fee: RM5 (Lunch not included)

Session 1: Biblical & Practical Approach of Conflict Resolution & Peace-Making Ministry

Session 2: Panel Discussion on Case Study

About the speakers:

A biography of Karl Dortzbach can be found here. Dr. Karl G. Dortzbach and his wife, Debbie, have been missionaries in Africa since the mid-1970s. Dr. Dortzbach currently directs the Institute for the Study of African Realities, teaches at the Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology, and labors for trauma healing and reconciliation (particularly in Liberia and Rwanda). Dr. Dortzbach co-authored Kidnapped with his wife, who was held for ransom by the Eritrean Liberation Front in 1974.

Ken Sande is president of Peacemaker Ministries and author of The Peacemaker, which has been translated into ten languages. He is passionate about bringing the life-changing power of the gospel and the wisdom of God's peacemaking principles into the lives of Christians and their churches. His early experience in engineering and law fueled his desire to dedicate his life to biblical peacemaking, resulting in his decision 25 years ago to found Peacemaker Ministries.

Ken has used biblical peacemaking principles to minister to parties in hundreds of conflict situations ranging from simple personal disputes to complex church, corporate, and legal conflicts. He has written numerous resources on conflict resolution and is in frequent demand as a confer­ence speaker. His wife, Corlette, who has homeschooled their two teenagers, published a biblical peace­making curriculum for children called The Young Peacemaker. The Sandes’ favorite family activity is hiking in the mountains near their home in Billings, Montana."

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Something to Ruin Your Day

of being angry and choice

“Whoa,” yelped junior disciple Ah Lek in surprise. “Arrgh!” shouted junior disciple Ah Kow as senior disciple Ah Moo pushed his way between them and sent both of them falling off the straight and narrow path that leads to the Sow Lin monastery chapel. Ah Kow fell to the left into a bush of yellow daffodil. “Wow,” he thought, “the sky is so blue.” “Ouch, ouch” shouted Ah Lek who fell to the right into a rose garden.
“I so hate senior disciple Ah Moo,” said Ah Lek as he extricated himself from the thorns. “He makes me so angry”
“Leave him be. He just a big bully,” said Ah Kow as he dusted his robe clean.
“I am so furious. One day I will get even. Vengeance is mine said the Lord, and Ah Lek will be My instrument,” Ah Lek told Ah Kow. “Hey, don’t simply quote the Bible. No play, play, you know,” replied Ah Kow in alarm, waiting for a thunderbolt to strike.

“I am still angry” said Ah Lek to Ah Kow during supper that evening in the refectory. Paused in the act of placing a piece of meat into his mouth, Ah Kow blinked and said. “You’re still angry?” “Yeah, I am so angry that I cannot enjoy my meat.” The disciples have just finished their meat-week where they fast from eating meat for two weeks before Lent.
“See there. I can’t stand it. That bully is enjoying himself,” said Ah Lek pointing to the senior disciple table where Ah Moo just cracked a joke and all the other senior disciples are laughing. “I can’t stand being in the same room as him!”
“Didn’t Our Lord teach us to forgive and forget?” Ah Kow pointed out. “Forgive, yes. Forget, no” declared Ah Lek with firm conviction. “Aah…?” Ah Kow tailed off in confusion.

“I am so angry that I didn’t sleep a wink last night,” declared Ah Lek to Ah Kow as they meet the next morning for prayers. “I was thinking of all the ways I can cheket his scrawny neck.” “You're still at it?” asked Ah Kow sleepily. “What about St.Paul’s teaching about not letting the sun goes down on your anger?”
“That don’t count,” said Ah Lek smugly, “Somewhere in the world, the sun is always shining so it can never go down on my anger. Maybe I shall get a big stick and hit Ah Moo on the head. Do you think he will forgive me?” “Donno,” said Ah Kow cautiously as he slowly back away.

“Aiyuh , my stomach hurts,” yells Ah Lek as he rolled on his bed later that day. “Let me fetch Abba Ah Beng” said Ah Kow as he hurried to his sifu’s room. Abba Ah Beng called in the services of Abba Thomas who is a bivocational Abba. His other vocation is as a doctor. “He has a gastric ulcer,” said Abba Thomas after he finished his examination, “I wonder what brought this on?” “Must be his anger,” whispered Ah Kow.

“What anger?” thundered Abba Ah Beng who has superb hearing, especially for the dinner bell. “Ah Lek has been angry at senior disciple Ah Moo since he pushed us into the bushes yesterday!” Ah Kow said, pointing his skinny finger at Ah Moo. “I did?” Ah Moo sounded surprised. “Yes,” Ah Moo said after a moment’s pause. “That was in the morning when I was rushing for the toilet because I have diarrhoea. Almost didn’t make it in time!”

“And you have been angry since.” Abba Ah Beng turned and faced Ah Kow. “And you?” asked Abba Ah Beng. “I was a b-bit..angry but I f-forgive and f-forgot about the innnnncident” stammered Ah Kow, turning red in the face.

“Ah Lek, Ah Lek, what shall I do with you?” Abba Ah Beng said turning back to face Ah Lek with a shake of his head, “You have let your anger control your heart and your mind. You allowed anger to dwell in your soul. A small incident gets blown out of proportion. A small push by your senior disciple had taken control of your life, poisoned your soul and gave you an ulcer.”
After a short pause for dramatic effect, Abba Ah Beng continued, “In life, you may not have control over what other people do to you. However, you do have the control over how you react to their provocations. You can choose to forgive, forget and move on. Or, you can choose to allow other people control your life. Why should you let others ruin your life?”

"don't play play" -Singapore slang made famous by Phua Chu Kang, a Singaporean sitcom. Means “taking something seriously”
"cheket"-Malay word for “strangle”.
"aiyuh"-Malaysian and Singaporean word for “ouch”